Meet some of our partners

Project highlights


Partners: Ximilar
Duration: 2022-2023

Machine learning for uninterrupted weather-independent crop monitoring: SAR-based predictions of spectral data. Multisensor satellite data AI-based fusion of Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2, for vegetation monitoring and agriculture purposes.

Project “LAICA – Družicové sledování vývoje vegetace metodami umělé inteligence” (CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/21_374/0027239) is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund within the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic.

More on LAICA


Partners: ASITIS, Atregia
Duration: 2022-2023

ESA project for EO processing pipeline design and product design of UpGreen service: Assessment, prediction and optimal design of urban vegetation

More on UpGreen

EuroGEO e-shape

Partners: 37 companies/academic institutions, powered by EuroGEO
Duration: 2022-current

A Horizon 2020 project on improving user uptake of EO and other spatial data. World from Space was part of the Food Security & Sustainable Agriculture showcase and focuses on service uptake in the wider food production value chain in line with regenerative agriculture and farm-to-fork strategy.

More on e-shape


Partners: Czech Aerospace Research Centre, SAB Aerospace, PEKASAT SE
Duration: 2021-2023

An “Ambitious project” from ESA and the Ministry of Transport to operate a Czech microsatellite mission. Designing a national high-resolution EO satellite with 2 optical payloads. World from Space is responsible for EO data processing and interpretation.

More on AMBIC


Partners: VUMOP, Mendel University, Rostěnice Farm
Duration: 2021-2024

A project backed by the National Agricultural Research Agency on mapping of soil conditions including moisture changes to stabilize yields on unbalanced farmland. World from Space focused on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2-based product optimization for the mentioned use case.

Further projects

OrbisVZLÚ2023-2024Modular EO satellite data processing pipeline from raw to analysis-ready data.
TAVAP-2022-2023Plant phenology, timing, and variable rate application prescription maps for precision agriculture.
EUSPA FWCAlpha Consult2021-2024Consulting support to space downstream market development team of the European Union Agency for the Space Programme.
NAZV: Soil conditionsVÚMOP2021-2024Effective mapping of soil conditions and soil moisture to stabilize yields. National Agency for Agricultural Research (2021-2024).
Copernicus Incubator: DynaCrop-2020-2021Go-to-market strategy for the DynaCrop product.
EO in support for International DevelopmentEveris ADS, Greenspin, Geomer2019-2022
  1. COVID-19 Impact on Air Quality in Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova (United Nations Development Programme)
  2. Natural Wealth and Sovereign Risk (World Bank)
  3. Strengthening Drought Resilience in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in Ethiopia (GIZ)
  4. Agricultural Statistics Data Collection Support in the Cook Islands (Asian Development Bank)
  5. Post-Disaster Population and Land Use Planning in St. Vincent and the Grenadines (Caribbean Development Bank)
TAČR: EO DynaCrop-2019-2019Technology Agency of the Czech Republic project of AI drought and vegetation dynamics monitoring for farm management software. H2020 SME Instrument Seal of excellence program
ESA BIC: Drought Measure-2019-2021Assessment of a commercial drought assessment service for cities, regions, insurance companies, and farmers in the EU.
ESA BIC: Drought Measure-2019-2021Assessment of a commercial drought assessment service for cities, regions, insurance companies, and farmers in the EU.

World from Space in Press


10 European startups tackling natural disasters and other emergencies | EU-Startups
October 21, 2019

The United Nations defines disasters as serious disruptions of the functioning of a community or society, involving widespread human, material, …


Sledujeme Zemi z vesmíru a děláme z ní lepší místo, hlásí brněnský startup — Forbes
February 5, 2023

Zemědělství budoucnosti bude spojené s kosmickým průmyslem, který pomůže udělat z naší planety lepší místo.

Nejlepší český kosmický startup pomáhá zemědělcům proti suchu přes družice - Seznam Zprávy

Největší český festival vesmírných aktivit Czech Space Week v Praze v úterý vyhlašoval i soutěž o nejlepší kosmický startup z Evropy. Do finále …


Díky družicím pomáhá zemědělcům i městům. Český World from Space mění parky doma i životy v Nigérii
August 11, 2021

Vědí, jak se daří plodinám, kdy sít, kdy sklízet. Vidí do budoucnosti. Technologie World from Space výrazně zvyšují produktivitu zemědělství.

Družicová data vyhodnocuje brněnský startup - farmaření s nadhledem |

Brněnský FARMAŘENÍ S NADHLEDEM: DRUŽICOVÁ DATA VYHODNOCUJE BRNĚNSKÝ STARTUP Brněnský startup World from Space díky vyhodnocování družicových dat …